Group drumming is a fantastic way to bring people together and is scientifically proven to boost mood and improve energy levels. Useful as an ice breaker, team building activity, stress buster session or just for fun. You can book a drumming session for your organisation, team, club, class or party for 5 - 50 people.
We will bring enough drums and / or percussion intruments for all participants. Over the course of the 30 - 120 minute session your group will develop the skills to create a unique and harmonious sound that combines elements of individuality and community.
Pricing will depend on number of participants, location and duration and will be between £300 - £1000*.
Don’t worry, no experience is necessary and there are no wrong notes.
If you are open-minded and curious, contact me to discuss further using any of the platforms at the bottom of the screen.
*Discounts available on request for charities and non-profit businesses.